Watly – Clean Water, Electricity and Connectivity for Everyone

#StartUp4Energy this time moves to Italy! This article will present the Italian/Spanish technology that will help Developing Countries (and Poor Countries) to reach sustainability and innovation thanks to ONE complex product. We are talking about WATLY, which will provide water, electricity and connectivity to millions of people all around the world. Here’s how it works.


Watly purifies up to 3 million liters of water per year. It efficiently desalinates ocean water, eliminates all pathogens and microorganisms from previously polluted water. It removes inorganic and organic compounds and it does not need membranes or filter substitutions. The physical principle underlying this innovative system is the vapor compression distillation. It is by far the most effective and powerful method of water purification and desalination available. Output water quality is outstanding, pure, low mineralized and with a perfect pH balance (6.8 – 7.2), no matter how polluted is the water before. Watly is composed of 4 thermal solar power units, with each unit equipped with an “arch shaped” array of thermal solar vacuum tubes. The main unit is called the Master, while the other three are called the Slaves. Inside the Master unit is the core of the purification process, which is 11 times more efficient than traditional distillation processes. 160 m2 of solar thermal vacuum tube panels provide the thermal energy that is needed to run the process of water distillation. Watly’s unique “arch shape” allows the thermal tubes to be optimally exposed to incident solar irradiation during the whole day. The central unit is composed of two interactive interfaces and a solar park on top of its roof. If Watly provides people with clean drinking water, W-Tank allows them to carry and keep it safe. W-Tank is user friendly and easy to carry and use. It has been designed for those situations where it is very difficult to preserve water’s biological integrity, which are a lot.
Watly generates the very same energy it needs to function and produces off-grid electricity to power its own internal electronics, as well as external devices. The free electricity generated by Watly is made available to people via multiple battery chargers and electric plugs. On top of the central unit is a solar roof with its array of 40 mono-crystalline photovoltaic panels. It has a nominal power of 10 kW and generates up to 70 kWh/day. Such an outstanding performance is obtained by maintaining the photovoltaic panels at optimal working temperature even under the hottest sunny days, working at lower temperatures increases panel efficiency by 40 – 50%. The energy in the form of electricity is stored in a 140 kWh internal battery. W-Light is a battery-powered portable LED light that gives light and power to people. W-light provides hours of bright and safe light as well as the possibility to recharge phones and other handheld devices.

Watly is a powerful communication device that can collect and send any kind of data (videos, images, audios, texts, ratios, etc.) to the Internet as well as to any other compatible communication device. A single Watly is a standing alone machine, but two or more Watlys become a network where each node is auto-powered, self-sustained and multi-functional. A growing number of Watlys deployed around the world will contribute to form the next big thing, the “Energynet”. There are three user-friendly water dispensers, one multi-battery charger, one 3D printer, one solar cooler, one ultraviolet rays sterilization chamber, one landing pad for drones, two LCD touch screens (for end user registration and communications), multiple webcams (6-10), and digital and facial recognition systems, plus different kinds of sensors (movement). Each Watly communicates with the Central Network Management Platform, as well as with other Watlys via radio-link, existing networks (3G/4G), and/or satellite connections. Watly’s Central Network Management Platform can remotely communicate and monitor each unit of Watly in real time from anywhere. It is possible to run checks on the overall system, monitor performances, and change settings of water output (quantity, pH, and mineralization level) through an internet connection. It is also equipped with external environmental sensors such as air pollutants detectors (CO, CO2, NO, NO2, O3, SO2, H2S, VOC); electromagnetic fields and radioactivity detectors, and weather monitoring systems (wind direction and speed, atmospheric pressure, height of clouds, temperature, humidity, and average precipitation).

If you want, you can check the tech out at their Indiegogo account. We need those products in order to build an environmental friendly world starting from the less reach countries and teaching them the importance of a clean and sustainable life. It is not a case that the EU granted the project in its Horizon 2020 Programme.